Investigative Economics publishes original, independent data analysis and open-source investigative journalism that exists nowhere else.
The site is dedicated to the blind spots: the stories that fall between the cracks left by other outlets yet are still essential to understanding the full picture of the events around us.
The emphasis is on fact-based, heavily sourced and reliable publishing—whether it be from open-source documents, government data, or reporting. Because of the limited budget, that means stories are often simple in production, short in length, and with few bells and whistles. The bare-bones approach is meant to maintain the site's independent nature and ensure that the scope of publishing is never limited.
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The Issue With Google Results
Google issue appears to be resolved. Some day we’ll find out why.
The site has been buried in Google results for a few years. Not an issue in Bing and DuckDuckGo. Google’s spider gets errors contacting the site despite it being hosted on a common publishing platform (Substack).
Attempts to contact Google have proved fruitless. Would be interested to hear if others have similar issues.
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